自动恤衫袖山缝压平机 SN-8402P

自动恤衫袖山缝压平机 SN-8402P

Features 产品特点:
1. An advanced HMlis instaled which can alarm when the machine is breaking down lt can, in a large extent
aleviate the hard work of mending
2. Apply to the binding pressing of sleve crown. Pressing verticatly can reach a igh efikency with goad quality
3. Using PCL and touch screen control it is easy touse ano makes wotk more precise
4. There are four ranks, respectively mini presure light presure impulse pressure and heavy pressure avalable
for specific materials.
5. An exhauster for air draft and dehumidifying is installed forbeter cooling and positioning of cioth
6. Various types of molds are available tor d tterent patternof sleeves



